Saturday, September 28, 2013

Believe You Are Beautiful

"You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection."
                                                                                                            -Gautama Buddha

The key to feeling good about yourself starts from within. Unless you feel like you are worth something no one else will either. Having been plagued with low self esteem and depression for most of my life, had to find something that was important on the inside. It seemed the more I accomplished on the outside the more miserable I became. Doing all things for other people leads you to a dark sad path. So what is it in you that makes you happy?

You are already a beautiful person. No matter what others, including the media says about how you look. We constantly fill our conscious mind with a broken recording of thoughts from our crazy subconscious. We tell ourselves that a size 6 is not good enough I would rather be a size 4. We say look at my un perfect skin, I wish it were more like....(fill in the blank). I wish I...

I say, "Enough of that head game!" Lets start a project called "The New Amazing You". Start from the strength you have inside. Love yourself first. This doesn't mean you are a crazy narcissistic ego maniac. (which by the way, I  used to think giving myself a compliment was going to get me hauled away to the loony bin for narcissistic tendencies) Loving yourself makes you a relatable and real.

You don't need to be a total realist dare to dream, but be honest with yourself. Set goals and work on them. In the mean time be thankful for where you currently are. Be happy with all of your accomplishments. Rejoice in your successes no matter how small or insignificant to the whole world you feel they are. Accepting yourself as you are right now and being ok, allows you to set goals and move forward.

When I was weening myself off of my Zoloft. (some people will always need it, and I understand) I was at the point in my own life where I felt like nothing made me happy or sad. I didn't want to just simply exist I wanted to get excited and totally present. So I started with the small things, something as small as, I got out of bed today and made an awesome dinner. Then I made a plan for the next day, to do one more awesome thing than the previous day, pat myself on the back and move on. It took some time to get some internal motivation but I did it! Today I am Zoloft free and happy is me!

You have to start somewhere. So, find something that you love about yourself, and play it up. If you love your butt. Wear jeans that make it look sensational. Better yet if you hate something turn it in to something you love. I used to have bad skin, so I got some good foundation and a great makeup tutorial (thank you Blair at MAC) and voile I felt a lot more confident going into meetings with clients. I promise other people can feel your insecurities even if you don't talk about them. Sometimes your insecurities pour onto others and you give off the wrong impression. It will make others think you are judging them or thinking poorly of them when you aren't. So don't turn other people off because of your silliness. Embrace your flaws and be happy with what you got!!

"No matter how plain a woman may be, if truth and honesty are written across her face, she will be beautiful."  -Eleanor Roosevelt



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Monday, September 23, 2013

Spaghetti Squash Lasagna Casserole


4 lb spaghetti squash - you will only need 4 cups (8 Greens)
8 oz part skim ricotta (1 Lean)
8 oz reduced fat mozzarella cheese, divided (2 Leans)
2 tbsp egg beaters
2 tbsp grated parmesan cheese (2 Condiments)
2 cups Italian diced tomatoes with less than 5 g of carbs per 1/2 cup, divided (4 Greens)
1/4 tsp garlic powder (1/2 Condiment)
1/8 tsp salt (1/2 Condiment)
1/8 tsp pepper (1/4 Condiment)
2 tsp olive oil (1 Healthy Fat)
5 oz Jennie O Italian seasoned ground turkey 93%, cooked or make your own seasoned meat (1 Lean)
Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Prick squash with fork or metal skewer and roast in oven for an hour or until it seems soft when you press on it. Take it out and leave on the counter until cool.
When squash is cool, cut in half and scoop out the seeds and discard. Use a fork or spoon to scoop out the rest of the squash and set aside in a bowl. Measure out 4 cups of spaghetti squash and store the rest in the fridge. Add oil to a skillet over medium heat. Saute the 4 cups of squash for a few minutes until it begins to brown. Add garlic powder, salt and pepper, if desired.
Mix ricotta cheese, parmesan, egg beaters and 4 oz or 1 cup of mozzarella cheese together.
Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Pour 1 cup of the diced tomatoes on the bottom of a 9 inch or 8 inch square casserole dish and spread evenly. Add squash. Top the squash with the ricotta cheese mixture. Then top the ricotta cheese mixture with the cooked ground turkey. Spread 1 cup of diced tomatoes over the meat. Bake for 35 minutes. Spread the rest of the mozzarella cheese over the top (1 cup) and bake an additional 25 minutes until cheese is melted and lightly brown. Let rest for 10 minutes or so to serve.
4 servings with 1 Lean, 3 Greens, 1/2 Healthy Fat, and Less than 1 Condiment per serving
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Sunday, September 22, 2013

Eat Well, Feel Well

Lately, I have heard a lot of excuses on why someone can't eat right. I call them excuses because as I have established before, we can do what ever makes us happy. Excuses are like... Well you know the saying and everyone has one. The people who I have met who take my health advice are the people who have a goal in mind and really they will do what ever it takes. So I am going to break it down as simply as I can.

Here are seven of my healthy habits for eating well.


1. There is no such thing as a diet. A diet is what you eat not what you do. Diets fail because they focus on restriction. If someone says "No", then you say "I will". Typical human nature. Just forget about dieting it doesn't work.

2. Portion control is key. Our society is all about a great value. The more I food I get for the money is a good "Value". Every restaurant works with this principal, hence the reason they all have value menus. They give you more for your money. The portions are huge and we tend to eat what is put in front of us, because that is what our parents told us. Rule of thumb (or fist) with sweets and meats is fist size and no more. Simple carbs (chips, crackers, past) no more than a handful. Focus more on veggies and fruits. Eat those first.

3. Don't skip breakfast. I used to be the worst about skipping breakfast. I just felt sick if I ate in the morning. So I started with my kale shake. I used to drink coffee in the morning so I thought this was a good compromise. It worked. It kicked my metabolism up and I had more energy. Try one carb and one protein, low in sugar  so you don't have a mid morning crash.

4. Drink water. You need to drink half of your body weight in water each day or no less than 64 oz. Water is essential for digestion and muscle function. It helps clear out wastes and makes your skin look better. Plus sometimes your body says, "I am hungry." When really it is just thirsty. So keeping hydrated will help with cravings and un-needed snacking.

5. Eat six small meals per day. The smaller portions and meals spread out through out the day helps your body do what it is supposed to, use it for energy. If you are constantly eating every 2-3 hours your body knows that there is food around. So it tells your brain to burn the calories all the time. So your body turns into an efficient machine.

6. Practice the 80/20 rule. If your day and week consists of 80-90 percent good food. (fruits and veggies with lean proteins and whole grains) Than 10-20 percent can be other stuff. (simple carbs and sweets) Your body will naturally crave what it is used to eating. I prefer to do this weekly. Have one cheat meal or two with one or two desserts. I still can have what I want but it is only what I really want and in moderation.

7. Keep a food journal. This has really opened my eyes to what it is that I am lacking in my daily diet. So that way I can make small changes to try and get the doctor recommended nutrients. Another thing I noticed about keeping a food journal is that I have problem times. Like late afternoon I want to eat carbs. So I have to eat a few more with my planned meals so that I don't pig out. Plus I realized I wasn't drinking enough water earlier in the day. So I had to change it up a little. I have all of my clients do this prior to starting my program. It really helps with identifying food costs as well as problem areas and food triggers for them.

I hope these tips help. If you are interested in a weightless program or have lost weight and are trying to keep it off visit my website and leave your information. We can chat about how I can maximize and get you to your health goals.


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Friday, September 13, 2013

Are you Jealous or Envious?

"The few who do are the envy of many who only watch." -Jim Rohn

I know you may think I am crazy but, I love Kortney Kardashian (don't hate I have my reasons). I watch Keeping Up With The Kardashians, religiously. It may be dumb but rather than hating her, because she has many qualities I wish I had. I adore her. I don't think she is perfect. But I try to emulate the things she does that I want to do myself. She has built a successful clothing business that she loves while being a role model and a great mother. These are thing I work on acquiring for myself as well.

"A competent self-confident woman is incapable of jealousy in anything. Jealousy is invariably a symptom of neurotic insecurity." -Robert A. Heinlein

I made a New Year's resolution many years ago to stop, think and then react. Instead of a negative auto reaction, I don't like her because... I think of why I had this reaction in the first place. It all goes back to being jealous. Jealousy is the sister of hate. It preoccupies you and makes you do and say mean things (not a nice trait). The dictionary describes the noun jealousy as afraid to lose position. Think about that, loss of position. Unless you are born into the royal family being jealous of the Queen is pointless. I will never be Kortney K. How can you be jealous of a position you've never had?

Be envious instead. Envy is a quality, possession or desirable attribute belonging to someone else. If someone has something I envy I turn my envy into actions and admiration. I think about how to get the things I want (within reason of course). It is an introverted approach on how to better myself and become what it is that I envy in others. Envy is positive it gets people to take action, to level the playing field so to speak. Be envious, but only if you are willing to take action. Otherwise don't bother.

"People will always talk about you, especially when they envy you and the life you live. Let  affected their lives they didn't affect yours."- unknown

I still get haters, even at thirty years old. (just when you thought high school was over) When I first moved into my house that I currently lived in a couple of the ladies on my street were super nice. Then one day our son came home and told me he had over heard the neighbors talking bad about me and any time I spoke to them they were always making little digs at me in front of each other, like I was to dumb to get it. I was surprised at how childish women can be. Mean girls are unhappy. Don't let their clouds cover your sun! I don't let what other people say affect me in the way I used to(trust me I have had some pretty mean things said). I take it more as a compliment. Wow, they had nothing better to talk about than me? Awesome!

If you are jealous of anyone, don't be. Envy and admire. Spend time on bettering yourself and your position. But if you envy, take action. Figure out how you can be the envy of every one else. And work to get the qualities or things you want. Easier said than done, I know but everything takes practice. Right?


Be Good, Do Good, Look Good, Feel Good.
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Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Two of My Secret Skinny Tips

Kale Strawberry Smoothie

1 Cup tightly packed Kale
1/2 C (about 5 Large) Strawberries
1 Scoop of Vanilla Protein Powder
up to 1 C of Ice
Pour into a Blender and Serve 

Tip: If you don't want your kale to spoil, blend greens add water put into small paper cups or ice trays and freeze. You can use it when you blend your next smoothie instead of adding ice.

I use this recipe for quick breakfasts. The Kale is such an amazing super food. it has 206% Vitamin A, 134% of Vitamin C and 684% of vitamin K. Plus Kale and strawberries are an amazing source of antioxidants something your body needs to fight sickness and disease.

Plyometric Lunge

Start in a 90 degree lunge position with your right leg front left leg back. Switch legs in the air to your left leg and drop until your front leg is in a 90 degree position. Do this as fast as you can for the set time. Rest and repeat. 1 min burns 25 calories, gets your heart rate up, and tones your legs.

Tip: Beginners do 8 sets of 30 second intervals resting for 1 min in between sets.

I love to do this exercise when I am running low on time or as my second work out a day. For a demonstration go to Instagram #theskinnychic


Be Good, Do Good, Look Good, Feel Good 

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Diet is a Four Letter Word

"Vanity is a mark of humility rather than of pride." -Jonathan Swift

Part of feeling good is looking good. I don't care what anyone says If you look good to you, you feel great. For me there is nothing like putting on a new pair of jeans and cute shoes. For me those jeans and shoes wouldn't feel as good if I didn't feel like how I looked in them. People ask a lot how I stay fit, so this blog is my personal feelings on the subject.

"I never worry about diets, carrots that interest me are the number in a diamond." Mae West

Diet doesn't have to be the worst four letter word you know (It's not the worst one I know). I know it brings about really bad feelings for most people but it doesn't have to. In the dictionary the original definition of a diet is: the kinds of foods that a person, animal, or community eats (used as a noun). So saying "I am going on a diet" is using the word as a verb, the original form is a noun (person, place or thing). To me a diet just is. It is what I eat, not what I do. Diet is a mindset.

With that being said, my diet (used a s a noun) is high in vegetables, fruit, whole grains, and protein with at least 64 ounces of water daily. My diet is low in processed foods, refined sugar, high fructose corn syrup and white flour. I usually only have these things 1 time per week on what I call my cheat day, and it is only 1 meal. I don't eat bad stuff the whole day. Even though it is a cheat day, you still have to exercise portion control and stay within your daily calorie goal.

DIETS DON'T WORK! (the short version)

Your body is an amazing machine. It can recover and is constantly trying to fix the stuff we do to it. This machine does what we tell it. When we cut calories, (what we call a diet) it is usually to start pumping in good stuff right? Wrong we cut calories and put in only what that diet calls for. Atkins, cabbage soup, lemonade, HCG diets call for things that are mostly bad for us, while taking away what we need. The only reason you should cut calories is to transition your body and it should be for a very limited period of time(one week, to get rid of cravings). There is a reason why you need a certain amount of calories in your daily diet and really you don't have calories to waste. Like I said your body is a machine, like a car, it needs gas. Food is our fuel. Refined sugar and white flour is like putting the wrong gas in a car, it will work for a while but it eventually dies. Eighty-five percent of people usually gain their weight back in the first two years. (some studies say it is as high as ninety percent)

A few words about Metabolism

Everyone thinks calories in calories out. This just is not the whole story. I used to think that if I just exercised more than I burn more calories and it all balances out. Well what if for the whole year I eat 100 calories more. An apple. I have accumulated around 3600 calories in a year. 3500 calories is equal to one pound. In order to get that pound off I would have to run the equivalent of 35 miles to take it off. Which means about a mile a day. I don't know very many people that get that much exercise. Exercise is not enough and god forbid something happen and you can't work out.

When you cut calories your body goes into panic mode. It burns all the stores it has which includes muscle. If  you do not get enough protein in this stage you cannot maintain your muscle. Muscle is what burns fat. The more muscle a person has the more fat it burns. By the end of a cycle (which is to say someone stuck with it long enough to see results) you may have lost weight but you are now less efficient. Since you have cut calories the minuet you take in more you start to store because you have now reset your metabolic rate lower. (your body thinks it needs to function on less, starvation mode) Do you follow? In order to lose weight you need to burn fat, keep muscle while intaking adequate calories.

If you are going to lose weight you need to do it the right way. Weight loss or eating better needs to be a life choice. Little choices everyday will add up. So think about your choices, it can be that simple.


Be Good, Do Good,Look Good, Feel Good.
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Thursday, September 5, 2013

What is your deepest fear?

A friend once told me fear stands for f (four letter word you know) everything and run. The dictionary says it is to be afraid of something that is likely to be dangerous.

I remember back to being a child and thinking about being a college cheerleader on one of those ESPN broadcasts, being a partner stunt champion.  I went to collegiate competition in Las Vegas but did not enter into the partner stunting portion. I wasn't that good, or so I thought. Then, when I was 28 years old I got back into contact with a cheer friend of mine. We started talking about the old days and he asked me why I didn't keep going?

"The only thing we have to fear is fear itself."- Franklin D. Roosevelt

I honestly thought I didn't know. In my mind, it made sense to keep going. I  really wanted to finish my degree and have school paid for. I am not kidding, I lived and breathed it. I loved to cheer. It was my passion. Then he said to me"...You know you could have gone to any University and gotten a full scholarship, don't you? You were that good." I almost cried. I had no idea that anyone ever thought I was that great! I let one thing hold me back. Fear.

"If you want something you've never had you have to be willing to do something you've never done,"
-Thomas Jefferson

I was scared of success. I was scared of what other people would think. I let the fear of what other people were going to think of me hold me back. Really it doesn't matter what anyone thinks about my efforts only about how I feel about myself. Before I make a decision I ask myself if this decision will better me and does it stay true to my values? I still get scared sometimes. But now I think through things and get over it. I think to myself, "what is the worst that could happen?" Go through that process  and then I take action. The first step is always the hardest. Most of the time I found that my fear was just a reaction to a perceived problem and the problem is no where to be found. If there were things that I never did out of fear, I would have missed out on some truly great things in my life.

"Life begins at the end of your comfort zone." -Neale Donald Walsch

 I take daily action by moving out of my comfort zone and into a place of confidence. I use this mantra. "You can do it!" I have told myself this plenty of times. It's what I told my self before I hit my tumbling pass that landed me on the Varsity team as a Junior in High school. It's what I told myself when I held my daughter in my arms for the first time. I said it to myself when I started my new company. It's what I tell my kids, everyday so they believe that they are capable people, able to do anything worth  something in their lives. It is what I am telling you right now my dear reader, "You can do it!"

 You may have heard this quote by Marianne Williamson. (some people say it is Nelson Mandela, either way I love it.) It is powerful, true and inspiring.  I almost cried when I heard it on the movie Coach Carter. (Don't laugh, or we aren't friends:))

"Our Deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually,who are you not to be? You are a child of god.
Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people will not feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do.We were born to make manifest the glory of god that is within us. It's not just in some of us it's in everyone.  And as we let our light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our fear, our presence automatically liberates others."-Marianne Williamson

These are words to live by. Think of one goal (or a few) in your life that is totally worth having. I challenge you to take action, then get over your fear and make a move. Shine your light! What's the worst that could happen? Happiness?

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Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Do you have the courage to pursue your dreams?

"Alice came to a fork in the road. 'Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here.'
'That depends a good deal on where you want to get to' said the cat.
'I don't much care where-,' said Alice.
'Then it doesn't matter which way you go,' said the cat."-Lewis Carroll

This quote has been said many different ways but you get the point...

How can you know where you are going unless you know where you want to go?
As children we think about the possibilities  for our lives. We have dreams and hopes for our future.
As adults we settle into what is, not what can be. We still have life left to live. Why are we worried about dinner, and homework or time constraints etcetera? What do you still dream about? What do you really want to achieve out of your life? We all have heard the saying YOLO? (you only live once) Why live through other people?

It sounds silly but Walt Disney said it best,"All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them."You can start by making your dreams into a vision board. Make it into something you can get excited about. Make your goals tangible, feel them, touch them and see them on a regular basis. I am not talking just a thinking it, you need to look at it, smell it, touch it. Write it down, make them reality.  I tested this out when starting my new business. I made a vision board to look at every day. I put a picture of every place I wanted to travel in the world. From my Christian Louboutins, to my dream house. It's all there down on paper and in pictures. I test drove every car I wanted before I could afford it. I held the cash I wanted to make on a daily basis in my wallet, so I could touch it, and see it, daily.

I watched a movie about a man who was a CEO of a major corporation. He talked about the things that made him successful. He thought, above all, his success came from his focus on goal setting. Years before this point he had thought about the things he wanted and made a vision board. It had gotten lost over the years until one day he was going through his office. As he was moving his boxes he found his old vision board. He discovered that he had achieved everything that he had once wanted, right down to his house. Not only did he have a big beautiful house, but he had the exact house that he had put on his vision board he pulled out of a magazine years before.

"A dream becomes a goal when action is taken towards it."-Bo Bennett

My next thing to know about goals is you need to take action. I would never have started my company or this blog had I not done things everyday to make it happen. It did not happen overnight and it was not easy but as I look back I can see the road that got me here. The first step was to make the decision to move. I had to do something everyday to further my business. I wrote down my 6 most important things I had to do to further my business that day and I would try to get all six done. Anything that was left when I went to bed was the first thing on my list the next morning. It gets you to where you are going you have no choice to move when you start to take action.

"Striving for success with out hard work is like trying to harvest where you haven't planted."-David By

With action, of course, comes work. (I am going to have a flash back moment) I had something happen in high school but turned into a life lesson. I did not make my schools cheerleading squad the first three years I tried out. The first two years I didn't make it, I did nothing about it. I don't know why I really thought I would. By the third time I didn't make it I was the living definition of insanity. I really wanted to make the squad my sophomore year. So, I started more tumbling classes and worked with people that knew more than I did. In tenth grade I made my squad, but just by a couple points and my coach let everyone know it. After that embarrassing public discussion, I told myself, I would never be in the bottom again! So, I worked really hard. I took private lessons, kept up on my tumbling and did every cheer clinic I could.  At tryouts my Junior year I walked out crying, I beat out all the Juniors (not to mention all my friends that had cheered the years I didn't make it) to make it onto Varsity. I was one of the top scoring girls and went on to cheer in college. (one of the best times in my life)
I never could have gotten there unless I put in the work. Think of the things in life that would not have come to life if there was no action and back breaking work behind a dream.  (Hello? Walt Disney, Martin Luther King Jr., Bill Gates and so on...) You get it.

Define your goals, take action and focus! You will get there!

Be Good, Do Good, Look Good, Feel Good