Saturday, September 28, 2013

Believe You Are Beautiful

"You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection."
                                                                                                            -Gautama Buddha

The key to feeling good about yourself starts from within. Unless you feel like you are worth something no one else will either. Having been plagued with low self esteem and depression for most of my life, had to find something that was important on the inside. It seemed the more I accomplished on the outside the more miserable I became. Doing all things for other people leads you to a dark sad path. So what is it in you that makes you happy?

You are already a beautiful person. No matter what others, including the media says about how you look. We constantly fill our conscious mind with a broken recording of thoughts from our crazy subconscious. We tell ourselves that a size 6 is not good enough I would rather be a size 4. We say look at my un perfect skin, I wish it were more like....(fill in the blank). I wish I...

I say, "Enough of that head game!" Lets start a project called "The New Amazing You". Start from the strength you have inside. Love yourself first. This doesn't mean you are a crazy narcissistic ego maniac. (which by the way, I  used to think giving myself a compliment was going to get me hauled away to the loony bin for narcissistic tendencies) Loving yourself makes you a relatable and real.

You don't need to be a total realist dare to dream, but be honest with yourself. Set goals and work on them. In the mean time be thankful for where you currently are. Be happy with all of your accomplishments. Rejoice in your successes no matter how small or insignificant to the whole world you feel they are. Accepting yourself as you are right now and being ok, allows you to set goals and move forward.

When I was weening myself off of my Zoloft. (some people will always need it, and I understand) I was at the point in my own life where I felt like nothing made me happy or sad. I didn't want to just simply exist I wanted to get excited and totally present. So I started with the small things, something as small as, I got out of bed today and made an awesome dinner. Then I made a plan for the next day, to do one more awesome thing than the previous day, pat myself on the back and move on. It took some time to get some internal motivation but I did it! Today I am Zoloft free and happy is me!

You have to start somewhere. So, find something that you love about yourself, and play it up. If you love your butt. Wear jeans that make it look sensational. Better yet if you hate something turn it in to something you love. I used to have bad skin, so I got some good foundation and a great makeup tutorial (thank you Blair at MAC) and voile I felt a lot more confident going into meetings with clients. I promise other people can feel your insecurities even if you don't talk about them. Sometimes your insecurities pour onto others and you give off the wrong impression. It will make others think you are judging them or thinking poorly of them when you aren't. So don't turn other people off because of your silliness. Embrace your flaws and be happy with what you got!!

"No matter how plain a woman may be, if truth and honesty are written across her face, she will be beautiful."  -Eleanor Roosevelt



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