Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Two of My Secret Skinny Tips

Kale Strawberry Smoothie

1 Cup tightly packed Kale
1/2 C (about 5 Large) Strawberries
1 Scoop of Vanilla Protein Powder
up to 1 C of Ice
Pour into a Blender and Serve 

Tip: If you don't want your kale to spoil, blend greens add water put into small paper cups or ice trays and freeze. You can use it when you blend your next smoothie instead of adding ice.

I use this recipe for quick breakfasts. The Kale is such an amazing super food. it has 206% Vitamin A, 134% of Vitamin C and 684% of vitamin K. Plus Kale and strawberries are an amazing source of antioxidants something your body needs to fight sickness and disease.

Plyometric Lunge

Start in a 90 degree lunge position with your right leg front left leg back. Switch legs in the air to your left leg and drop until your front leg is in a 90 degree position. Do this as fast as you can for the set time. Rest and repeat. 1 min burns 25 calories, gets your heart rate up, and tones your legs.

Tip: Beginners do 8 sets of 30 second intervals resting for 1 min in between sets.

I love to do this exercise when I am running low on time or as my second work out a day. For a demonstration go to Instagram #theskinnychic


Be Good, Do Good, Look Good, Feel Good 

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