Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Do you have the courage to pursue your dreams?

"Alice came to a fork in the road. 'Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here.'
'That depends a good deal on where you want to get to' said the cat.
'I don't much care where-,' said Alice.
'Then it doesn't matter which way you go,' said the cat."-Lewis Carroll

This quote has been said many different ways but you get the point...

How can you know where you are going unless you know where you want to go?
As children we think about the possibilities  for our lives. We have dreams and hopes for our future.
As adults we settle into what is, not what can be. We still have life left to live. Why are we worried about dinner, and homework or time constraints etcetera? What do you still dream about? What do you really want to achieve out of your life? We all have heard the saying YOLO? (you only live once) Why live through other people?

It sounds silly but Walt Disney said it best,"All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them."You can start by making your dreams into a vision board. Make it into something you can get excited about. Make your goals tangible, feel them, touch them and see them on a regular basis. I am not talking just a thinking it, you need to look at it, smell it, touch it. Write it down, make them reality.  I tested this out when starting my new business. I made a vision board to look at every day. I put a picture of every place I wanted to travel in the world. From my Christian Louboutins, to my dream house. It's all there down on paper and in pictures. I test drove every car I wanted before I could afford it. I held the cash I wanted to make on a daily basis in my wallet, so I could touch it, and see it, daily.

I watched a movie about a man who was a CEO of a major corporation. He talked about the things that made him successful. He thought, above all, his success came from his focus on goal setting. Years before this point he had thought about the things he wanted and made a vision board. It had gotten lost over the years until one day he was going through his office. As he was moving his boxes he found his old vision board. He discovered that he had achieved everything that he had once wanted, right down to his house. Not only did he have a big beautiful house, but he had the exact house that he had put on his vision board he pulled out of a magazine years before.

"A dream becomes a goal when action is taken towards it."-Bo Bennett

My next thing to know about goals is you need to take action. I would never have started my company or this blog had I not done things everyday to make it happen. It did not happen overnight and it was not easy but as I look back I can see the road that got me here. The first step was to make the decision to move. I had to do something everyday to further my business. I wrote down my 6 most important things I had to do to further my business that day and I would try to get all six done. Anything that was left when I went to bed was the first thing on my list the next morning. It gets you to where you are going you have no choice to move when you start to take action.

"Striving for success with out hard work is like trying to harvest where you haven't planted."-David By

With action, of course, comes work. (I am going to have a flash back moment) I had something happen in high school but turned into a life lesson. I did not make my schools cheerleading squad the first three years I tried out. The first two years I didn't make it, I did nothing about it. I don't know why I really thought I would. By the third time I didn't make it I was the living definition of insanity. I really wanted to make the squad my sophomore year. So, I started more tumbling classes and worked with people that knew more than I did. In tenth grade I made my squad, but just by a couple points and my coach let everyone know it. After that embarrassing public discussion, I told myself, I would never be in the bottom again! So, I worked really hard. I took private lessons, kept up on my tumbling and did every cheer clinic I could.  At tryouts my Junior year I walked out crying, I beat out all the Juniors (not to mention all my friends that had cheered the years I didn't make it) to make it onto Varsity. I was one of the top scoring girls and went on to cheer in college. (one of the best times in my life)
I never could have gotten there unless I put in the work. Think of the things in life that would not have come to life if there was no action and back breaking work behind a dream.  (Hello? Walt Disney, Martin Luther King Jr., Bill Gates and so on...) You get it.

Define your goals, take action and focus! You will get there!

Be Good, Do Good, Look Good, Feel Good

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